

Fall 2024 Application Deadlines
Application Deadline: August 7, 2024*

*FA 2024 late applications will be evaluted through Sept 6, 2024. Submitting a late application may result in reduced/late funding that could arrive near, or at, the end of the semeter

Spring 2025 Application Deadlines
Application Deadline: January 6, 2025*

*SP 2025 late applications will be evaluted through Feb 7, 2025. Submitting a late application may result in reduced/late funding that could arrive near, or at, the end of the semeter 


Become a teacher in your Indigenous Nation and community in New Mexico

  • Be a life-long learner
  • Give back to your community
  • Share your passion for knowledge
  • Explore your creativity
  • Inspire generations
  • Empower Indigenous youth

The Institute for American Indian Education (IAIE) at the University of New Mexico is building a community of aspiring Native American elementary, middle, and high school educators who will serve Indigenous Nations and communities across the state of New Mexico.

Apply to the Native American Teacher Preparation Program  


Native American Teacher Preparation Program Support 

  • In-state tuition and fees
    • Full-time tuition and fees for undergraduate sohmores, juniors, & seniors
    • Full tuition and fees for graduate students
  • Book/Materials Stipend
  • PRAXIS Preparation and Test Fees
  • Licensure Fees for NM Elementary or Secondary Certification
  • Mentorship
    • IAIE Faculty
  • Professional Development to Sustain Indigenous Sovereignty, etc.
    • National Indian Education Association Conference, AIITEC, American Indian Day State Legislature, IAIE Brown Bags, etc.

Application Requirements

  • Letter of intent
  • Complete NATPP application with all requested documents provided (official transcript, tribal enrollment documentation, 2 letters of recommendation, degree checklist)
  • Minimum GPA:
    • Undergraduate students: 3.2
    • Graduate students: 3.0
  • Full-time enrollment
    • Undergraduate students: 12 credits per semester (fall and spring)
    • Graduate students: 9 credits per semester (fall and spring)
  • Commitment to acquiring NM teaching certificate: Elementary or Secondary
  • Commitment to teach in a rural schools that serve Indigenous K-12 students


Undergraduate Funding

Undergraduate Funding

At the Undergradute level NATPP prioritizes students who are working toward NMPED licensure. 

AA/AS Accepted Programs

NATPP supports students at UNM branch campuses who are pursuing AA/AS degree programs in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, and Secondary Education, etc. who are committed to continuing in a UNM COEHS BA/BS program that leads to licensure.

BA/BS Accepted Programs

Health, Exercise, & Sports Sciences

-Physical Education Teacher Education

Individual, Family, & Community Education

-Family and Child Studies: Early Childhood Multicultural Education Pre K-3 Licensure

Special Education

-Dual License Preparation in Elementary Education & Pre-K-12 Special Education

Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy

-Elementary Education

-Secondary Education

Art Education

- Art Education with Licensure


Graduate Funding

Graduate Funding

At the Graduate level NATPP prioritizes students who are working toward licensure and works to increase the knowledge of multiculural educational thought and Indigenous education. NATPP does not fund students pursuing Doctoral studies.

Accepted Programs

Funding for Unlicensed Students

Special Education

- Special Education, M.A. with Licensure

Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy

-Graduate Certificate in Elementary Ed with K-8 Licensure

-Graduate Certificate in Secondary Ed with 7-12 Licensure

Art Education

-Art Education with Licensure


Funding for Licensed Students

Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies

-Concentrations: American Indian Education, Bilingual Education, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Education Thought & Sociocultural Studies, Social Studies



    • Indigenous undergraduate students in their final two semesters of an educator preparation program in AY 24-25 
      • Seniors in educator preparation programs who are working toward licensure
    • Indigenous college graduates who meet all requirements to enter an elementary or secondary educator preparation program in AY 24-25 
      • Unlicensed Graduate students pursuing Licensure track programs or licensed educators pursuing MA LLSS in American Indian Education
    • Indigenous students who need AY 24-25 to meet the requirements to enter an elementary or secondary educator preparation program at UNM in AY 25-26. 
      • Students who are:
1) In AA/AS programs
2) Sophmore level students
3) Junior level students
4) College graduates with an Undergraduate degree
wanting to become educators and work toward NMPED Licesnure in UNM COEHS teacher preparation programs 

For more information contact:

NATPP Program Coordinator
Karina Todechine

Glenabah Martinez



Institute for American Indian Education
MSC05 3041
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131





